Saturday, May 29, 2010

Zend Form File Uploads – Unique Filenames

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wanna learn something new? Ensure u know the prerequisites.

As a first step of learning ZF I've developed a simple blog after I've finished the quick start guide. Unfortunately, I did not care much about the RewriteEngine. So, when I tried to include an external css file I got an error saying
Invalid controller specified (css)
Now I tried creating
in my document root (with out any content). Even that did not help. As a final resort I tried putting some text into css/global.css And viola!! That worked.
If u are new to ZF I recommend to get the basics of mod_rewrite

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Logs are there for a purpose

If u ever encounter 500 Internal server error, 403 Forbidden, 404 not found errors the best place to check will be the log files. Moreover ensure you use RewriteLog every time You use RewriteEngine

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

In the qualification round of GCJ '10 there was a problem involving integers ~1050. I had to use gmp_* for that. Every thing worked fine for a small data set. But the program gave unexpected results for a large dataset. Then I realized that I've used mod in my code. Replacing that with gmp_mod did the job.